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Gujarat | Karnataka |
Maharashtra | Mumbai |
ABHYUDAYA CO-OPERATIVE BANK has branches in the following state(s) :- Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Mumbai.Abhyudaya Bank was started in the year 1964 by some social workers and labor movement workers with a capital of 5000 rupees to serve the mill workers and other industrial laborers and the economically weaker and neglected sections of the society.
The Reserve Bank of India gave this bank the status of “Scheduled Bank” on September, 1988. Within a span of 51 years, this bank became one of the leading cooperative banks in the country.
It is our bank’s endeavor to satisfy our customers by achieving excellence in all directions.
The objective of this organization is to make the bank the best by continuously developing new products and processes, fulfilling the aspirations of the customers, carrying out advanced policy and social responsibilities.
- This Bank invented an interactive website for easy access to various products and services for its customers.
- The bank has successfully implemented Core Banking Solution (CBS) technology.
- Bank is providing Abhyudaya Mobile Banking service.
- The bank has set up offsite ATMs at Abhyudaya Nagar and Ghatkopar.
- Bank is also providing all types of foreign exchange and cash transfer services like MoneyGram and Express Money.
- The bank is also providing tele banking and internet services.
- Our bank customers can also get their monthly statements of accounts by email.
- The bank has installed cash deposit machines in New Panvel, Vashi and Nehru Nagar.
- In order to take banking services to the general public and to achieve the national goal like financial inclusion, the bank implemented Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana – (PMJDY). The Bank also implemented Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana – (PMJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana – (PMSBY). The Bank has registered itself with CPSMS (Maintenance Scheme of Centrally Planned Services), a project of Ministry of Finance, New Delhi for providing Aadhaar based Direct Cash Transfer Services (Subsidy) to the customers.
In this way the bank is giving many facilities to its customers.