PUNJAB AND SIND BANK List of IFSC Code Branches in ASSAM District
Dibrugarh |
A famous Public Sector Punjab and Sind Bank having its Headquarter in New Delhi. There are majorly 1559 branches spread throughout India, 623 branches are in Punjab state. More than 111 years of its existence the bank was established to cater Banking and Financial Services.
The main products on which our Bank works is Finance, Forex and core Retail Banking. The Bank works on the Tagline “ Bank se Judne ke anek fayada”.There is “Atal Pension Yojana”,”PM National Relief Fund”,”Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna”,etc.
There are many attractive rates /interest rates founded by Punjab Sind Bank. Also senior Citizens shall be given benefit of additional interest of 0.50% on term deposits of less than Rs. 2 core.