KARUR VYSYA BANK List of IFSC Code Branches Districts of JHARKHAND State
Purbi Singhbhum | Ranchi |
KARUR VYSYA BANK has branches in the following districts of JHARKHAND state :- Purbi singhbhum, Ranchi.Successfully completing its 100 years Karur Vysya Bank has become one of the best leading banks in India. The Bank came into its existence in year 1916. The bank primarily operates in treasury, corporate/wholesale banking and retail banking segments by providing customers personal, corporate, agricultural banking and services to NRIs and MSME. Under personal banking, the bank provides housing loan, personal loan; insurance; and fixed deposits among others. The Bank more than 789 branches and 1880 ATMs and around 538 cash deposit machines.
Moreover there are many interesting services majority like KVB Shakthi for women, Jumbo services for Kids, KVB Schemes for Senior Citizen. KVB also support the working capital functions of any organization with blend of tradition and technology.