INDUSIND BANK List of IFSC Code Branches in ASSAM District
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Indusind Bank NEW GENERATION PRIVATE SECTOR BANK has its Headquarter in Mumbai-India which came into existence lately in year 1994. Presently Indusind Bank is having around 1,558 branches, and 2453 ATMs country wise (India). The pioneer motive of our Bank is to expand our network of branches thus they have proposed / designed to double the branches count to 1200 by March 2019.
Presently here the Retail Banking Services are working on newer technologies. There are major products offered by Indusind Bank namely Credit cards, Consumer banking, Corporate banking, Finance and Insurance, Mortgage loans, Private banking, Wealth management, Investment banking. There are other varied services. Facilities also provided namely like Cash Management Services, Trade Service utility, Depository Operations, and Treasury Operation.