ALLAHABAD BANK List of IFSC Code Branches Districts of ARUNACHAL PRADESH State
Papumpare |
ALLAHABAD BANK has branches in the following districts of ARUNACHAL PRADESH state :- Papumpare.Allahabad Bank is a nationalised bank with it’s headquarter in Kolkata. Allahabad Bank is association with NSDL Governance Infrastructure Limited and Warmond Trustee.
There are so many Online services offered namely as Ezee Will services, One Time Settlement Application Services and various Online Government Business Services. With 3245 Branches established across India our Bank Offers Car Loans, House, Loans ,Internet Banking ,Instant pay services ,Loan Eligibility etc.
Our Bank is ranked at 1882 on Forbes Magazine. On 30 August 2019, the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced merger of Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank.
The proposed merger would create the seventh largest public sector bank in the country with assets of ₹8.08 lakh core (US$120 billion).